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Circle Courses - 5 Capacities of Conscious Social Change Series

Each course is attended in a private circle with others, and is facilitated by Gretchen Steidle directly via Zoom calls + weekly email exchanges. Register as a group with 6 people minimum. Your circle will embark upon daily, guided practices and weekly inquiries in mindfulness and personal transformation, then journal about your transformative experiences to your circle as Gretchen Steidle provides personal guidance.


The Courses

Course 1-5 are designed to be taken in order and each is a prerequisite for the next, and are required for the practitioner certification. In this series we examine our deepest intentions; learn practices that cultivate presence and compassion; identify cues in our day-to-day life that signal a need for self-care and reflection; and explore our unique contribution to the world as conscious leaders. We deepen our self-awareness and explore transformational practices that support awakening. As we do, we gather the tools to transform suffering, fear, anxiety, unconscious reactivity, and burn-out into a life of balance and meaning in alignment with our sense of purpose and in service to the common good. The Practitioner Certification Program involves additional training, a 9-day in-person intensive and supervised practicum. If you are interested in the full program, please contact us to learn more.

Course 1 - Cultivating Presence (3-months): $500 pp

What is happening? Mindfulness practice helps us become more deeply aware of ourselves and others with curiosity and compassion.


Course 2 - Becoming Whole (3-months): $500 pp

What is true? Proactively working on our own unconscious behavior allows us to become a student of transformation from the inside out.


Course 3 – Ensuring Balance (6-weeks): $400 pp

What is needed? Investing in our own self-care ensures that we can maintain balance and wellbeing.


Course 4 - Engaging Mindfully (3-months): $500 pp

What is helpful? Applying mindfulness in the ways we engage with others and design solutions represents a more transformational paradigm for systemic change.


Course 5 - Leading from Within (3-months): $500 pp

What is possible? As we lead from within, we come to embody mindfulness in action and inspire transformation in others.